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Online reputation management is an important part of ensuring that your company and your business or products look good. It’s a given that at some point a customer is going to have a complaint.

Managing your online reputation can be problematic. No matter what business you are in, at some point, if you do enough business, someone will be unhappy with your work. While you do the best that you can, it’s a given that in business you cannot please everyone.

Using Google Plus, you can help to ensure that your online reputation remains positive. That doesn’t mean using Google plus for artificial or fake reviews. In fact, quite the opposite is true. You need to be certain that all of your reviews are real and that all of the people who write them are actually customers, but if you can request real clients to leave reviews and the good far outweighs the bad, then your reputation will benefit from that.

Google plus offers your customers the chance to review your work and to talk about what they like or do not like about the work that they received. Using Google Plus to help you to keep your business reputation positive is a must. In a survey that was done in 2013 more than half of all the people who were using online venues to seek out new businesses with which to work were using Google plus to vet the new companies by reading reviews about those companies before they hired them.

That doesn’t mean that they expect every review to be positive.In fact many of the people surveyed stated that they felt more comfortable using a business with a few bad reviews rather than a company that had no reviews at all.  It also means that they expect multiple reviews and if you have been in the business for a long time span and there are only 5 reviews about your company, the average person will have questions about why that is the case. Make sure that you net at least a few Google plus reviews every few weeks and that your business is visible in Google plus in order to ensure that your reputation keeps growing in a positive way.