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As the Facebook search engine is a strong competitor with Google, the only other Internet search engine in its class, it would be ignorant not to make use of this powerful marketing tool for your private or business use.  The only thing to do, when creating a Facebook page, is focus on creating the page correctly in order to reach its full potential and that can only be done if the following guidelines are followed.

Guidline No 1:

Create a Facebook Fan Page as well as a Profile Page

After you have created a Profile page, you have to also create a Facebook Fan page.  The profile page will be created for friends and family where the Fan page will be wonderful for your business and marketing thereof.

Even though your profile page is limited to 5 000 followers it does not mean that you would not be using all the space, in fact you might need to expand your memory as you go on.  The only thing that is not recommended is that you market on your Profile page and leave that to your Facebook Fan page.  There you can have an unlimited amount of followers making it easy for you to market freely and as much as you need.

Guidline No 2:

Be Consistent.

Once your Fan Page is set up the most important thing is to be consistent with updating your Fan Page.  This is the only way you will build and keep a loyal group of fans.

By being consistent we mean that at least once a day – every day – you will have to add something quirky for your fans to stay interested and stimulated with your page.  An example of this will be to add a thought for the day.  This way you will keep them coming back every day to find out more.  You can also ask your fans their opinion or thought on your daily quote, resulting in not only keeping your fans but helping to get new followers on your Fan page as well.

Guidline No 3:

Invite your Fans to also visit other pages as well.

If you only give your fans an option to visit your page and not other pages as well it could result in them becoming bored with your page and go somewhere else on their own accord.

The way to do this is to include an opt-box on your Fan page where your fans will be invited to visit other marketing sites such as You Tube or Twitter or you can invite them to visit your blog and become part of the interactive conversations.

Feel free to visit us at the following addresses for an example on how we keep our fans coming back for more

Twitter – https://twitter.com/3DOM_Agency

Facebook Fan Page – https://www.facebook.com/3DOMAgency/