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What is the difference if you are busy designing a new website by integrating search engine optimization (SEO) into it from the beginning or adding it later? It sounds like it can be done either way, but in all honesty, it should always be planned from the beginning. search engine optimization (SEO) is all about generating targeted traffic to your website or blog. It should generate visitors that are interested in your services and products.

Keywords and content is still the driving force of SEO. You have to start your SEO plan by doing some keyword research and select the best and most relevant keywords people will use to search for your business. These are the physical keyword phrases people are typing into Google that are looking for answers and solutions to their questions and problems.

If your website can answer their questions with your content and design, they might become your next customer. It’s as easy as that. Keywords are so much more than how the search engines indexes your website. They are the phrases people are using online to find anything relevant  to your business. Using these keywords in your website should be built in from the start into every part of your site such as the header, headings, menu, sidebar, content, and overall message. This will help you to connect better with your visitors and yield better conversion rates as you are giving your visitors exactly what they are looking for.

Why should you build SEO in from the start of your website? If you decide to add it later, it’s going to be much more difficult to integrate them deeper into every part of your website. This can be done, but it can be time consuming and sometimes the whole structure of the website needs to change.

For the best website performance, when planning your website you should focus on keyword research as early as possible so that it can be integrated into every part of your website.