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It is a fact that we all want to appear credible and professional in our everyday business life. We want others to value our business decisions, and respect us. With social media marketing, one of the key values of building a brand and to be successful is to engage and communicate with your target audience in a genuine authentic way. So how are you going to present yourself in an authentic way to display your professional persona online and basically being the real you?

Being authentic with your social media marketing campaign is really a fundamental concept. This means sharing some of your real personality on the social web. It really doesn’t mean talking about your big party last night or giving all of your network followers an update every minute on what you are busy with. It is all about sharing, interacting, and engaging with your network on what makes you, you.

Start interacting with social media

While many digital marketing agencies and social media strategists are promoting their brand online, doing business, and generating enthusiasm for their services, the rest of the online world are just browsing, socializing, making friends, and exploring the web. These people want to interact online in a non sales and pushy kind of way. The whole concept of social media is based on the desire of consumers to have brands and businesses listen and talk to them directly, not at them.

Most people are often fearful of stepping into the social media marketing bubble. They are afraid of making themselves vulnerable to the public. They are really only afraid of the thin line between their personal and professional lives.

I have had a few clients that have asked me to disable the comment section on their blogs, and I have had some asking me to stop posting questions on Facebook, all in the hopes of controlling and maintaining a more formal and professional persona. Most of the time when I hear these comments, I educate my clients of the power of online reputation management and what social media marketing really means. I illustrate all the social media benefits they can enjoy with interacting with their target audience, in their tone, on their level, and in a way that the customer dictates.

Create authenticity with your social media marketing campaign

As a business or brand, to create authenticity with your social media marketing campaign is just as important as to really interact with your customers on their own level. If that means asking questions on Twitter or Google+ and to create engagement or allowing comments to be done on their blog to generate a focused and relevant discussion of your customers wants and needs, this is the way to go.