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3dom Digital Agency Social Media Marketing Web Designs and IT

5 Reasons for using Social Media Marketing
1 – ROI.

Social marketing gives you a very high ROI (Return on Investment). The Social Media site are at no cost to set up and can be done for a company or in your personal capacity. The investment here is time and a small fee if you want it done by professional that will ensure great results in a shorter period.

2 – No technical skills are needed.

Most Social Media platforms are relatively easy to setup and no technical skills are required. It does make it easier when wanting the make Facebook be more brand orientated when the skill is available. You can set up your company profiles and pages on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook with virtually on your own. Most of these site will walk you through the process. Some have even done the effort of showing a video to assist in the setting up of your profile.

3 – The Social Universe is big.

Recently Facebook hit the 500,000,000 users online, with 70,000,000 on LinkedIn.  This is a very large audience to target.

4 – Your competition is doing it.

All of the Fortune 500 companies have a presence on social media.  More companies small or large and individuals have joined. Everyday another company join.
5 – It improves your organic search.

Blogs and social network activity can improve your search results on Google and other search engines. One of the fastest growing ways to get ranking.


So what are you waiting for? Email me today to discuss how WSI can assist you in this process.