Google has changed dramatically. That’s no real newsflash. What is unique is the way that those changes have changed how we do SEO and how we achieve visibility for our customers or our own sites.
On Page seo is dead. That’s what we’ve been told for months, but is that really the fact? Does SEO matter at all and how do we know whether it makes a difference? Realistically on-page seo makes a huge difference despite the tales of gloom and doom that tell us it does not.
While the keywords are typically not used by the search engines, there is some minor evidence that the search engines do take those into account when it comes to search returns.There may be some minor nod to the meta keywords by the search engines, despite our being told by those search engines that there is not. The meta titles are in use on most pages and showing in search, so making sure that they are in place and are well written is an important part of your on page seo. Likewise other meta tags are being used in spite of the many companies and experts who tell us that meta tags are passe and are no longer used.
Evidence of that exists in the fact that most of what you write for the meta tags description on your page shows in Google as your search description for the pages and is what your customers see in the search engine returns. If you know nothing else, then you know that good meta tags that are descriptive and helpful are part of the on-page SEO that needs to be accomplished for your site.
Meta descriptions are a part of the search engine efforts that we’re told aren’t helpful and aren’t workable, but the reality seems to be quite different. While they may not carry the weight that they used to carry, the fact is that they are showing up in search at every level, making them a part of on page seo that you cannot ignore.
In consideration of the fact that meta tags don’t take long to accomplish and do appear to be visible to your prospective customers, it’s in your best interests to have them well done and on every page.