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If you have a blog and want to use it in your search engine optimization or social media marketing campaigns, you have to understand that the writing style format of blogging is completely different than other styles of writing. Blogging is social by nature and the writing style should be in a more conversational style. It should also be be informal and don’t take the text book approach when writing blog posts. Make it look natural.

Your blog posts should always focus on one single topic. It’s a fact that people reading blogs don’t like pages and pages of content. Be short and to the point. Make your content easily scannable by using various elements such as headings, sub headings, and lists to make it easier to read and scan. Find a couple of tips below you can use if you are interested in blogging.

Blogging writing tips

Keep it unique: Original and unique content is what will keep your target audience coming back to read more. Never be scared to give your own opinions and comments in your posts.

Blog post length: Content is king and it’s food for the search engines. Keep your blog posts at least 300 characters long.

Paragraphs: Don’t stick to the formality you have learned in school. You have to get the attention of your readers so break up long paragraphs into sentences to make the content easier to read.

Scannable: Write your blog posts so that it’s easily scannable by using headings, sub headings, numberd lists, etc. Using shorter paragraphs will also help you accomplish this.

Keep it to the point: Don’t over complicate your blog posts with jargon just to look smart. Don’t add a bunch of unnecessary words that will confuse your readers. Keep it short and to the point.

Edit your blog posts: After you have finished writing a blog post, go over it and edit where necessary. Maybe you will get new ideas or you will be able to change the core message of the blog post to be more meaningful.