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There are many businesses online with poorly designed websites or no website at all. These businesses do not understand the true nature of the world wide web and how their website can be used to help them achieve their business goals. The businesses that have websites that aren’t generating any leads or sales online are the ones that aren’t designed to interact and attract targeted visitors. Most of these websites are simple brochure websites that only contains basic information about the business. The only objective with these kind of websites is that hopefully someone will see their contact details on the website and contact them. I can guarantee you that it doesn’t happen very often.

These average business websites are just adding to the existing noise online and doesn’t provide any value to anyone. What separates an awesome website that helps you achieve your business goals to an average one? A website that is focused on the needs of your target audience. Not just any audience, but an audience that is interested in your services or products.

Your website could be a gold mine and generate solid business leads and sales to you on a daily basis if you have a focused website – an online solution that is built to support your business objectives, a website that is built with specific intent, a website that portrays your business persona, credibility and authority online. A website that is working for you – not against you.

This applies to any business that is looking to make an impact online. If you have an online store selling products or services directly to the public with an e-commerce website or a basic website to educate your visitors on your business, it should always be built around the focus of your business.

The design of your website, content and offer should always provide value to your target audience. You need to understand your target audience, what their motivations are, and what problems are they trying to solve by visiting you.

If you are interested in changing your website so that it’s focused around your business, find 4 questions below you will need to answer so that you can optimise your site to generate business for you online.

Changing your website to be business focused

  1. What is the overall focus of your business? What services or products do you offer? Your website should have the same purpose as your business. What problems are you solving for your customers that are using your services or products? Why is it better than your competitors? Are there any benefits to using you instead of your competition? On your website, answer these questions to your visitors
  2. Who’s your target audience? Do you know and understand your target audience? How old are they? How well do you know them? What is their income and education level? Do they live and work in a specific area? Are they from a particular industry? It’s important that you create specific persona’s of your best customers. This will help design your website and craft your content to be focused for them.
  3. Why would visitors come to your website? What problems and questions do they currently have? You should match their needs with what you offer on your website.
  4. What action do you want your visitors to take? What is the trigger on your website that will make your visitors complete an action? Showcase that you understand their needs and problems and guide them on the best solution to take. Have well formatted sales triggers and call to actions on your website that is visible and doesn’t look desperate.

Your website could be a business tool if it’s focused on your business goals and optimised correctly.

ABC Of Internet Marketing has years of experience in building robust business and lead generating websites. If you need a new blog, ecommerce store or any other online solution, speak to us so that we can help you succeed online.