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3dom Digital Agency Social Media Marketing Web Designs and IT

When you are busy with the planning of your website, it’s important that you take the objectives and goals you want to reach, process them into a strategy, and then create a solid framework on how you can build your website. Trust me, this will make your website life much easier.

If your website doesn’t support your business goals or objectives, what is the point of having a website at all? What is the sole purpose of your website? What do you want to achieve with your website? Your website is a business tool and so it should be treated as such. It’s your image online.

Still struggling to find out what you want to do with your website? Here’s a couple of objectives to get ideas from:

  • Sales
  • Generate leads
  • Build awareness
  • Build credibility and trust
  • Become the market leader in your industry
  • Collect user information
  • Build an email list
  • Provide your target audience with information
  • Provide contact/store locations

Primary and secondary website business goals

When starting with your website, start by integrating your primary goal and what you want to achieve. List all the secondary goals and integrate these as well. Prioritize this list and add specific call to actions, content, message, and visual elements that will support these goals. For each of your goals, create a sales funnel on your website that will guide your visitors on what they should do next.

If you are not going to prioritize your website goals and you don’t have a sales funnel, your visitors will most likely not know what they should be doing on your website and they will move on to the next search result. If you want your website to be successful, guide them into take an action without distracting them too much with too many choices.

Measurement also plays a huge role with your website. What are you going to measure? How are you going to know if you are successful or not? Just the same as your business, establish KPI’s that you can track and measure. Use these indicators to guide you where you must make changes and how successful your website is.

To be successful in internet marketing, focus on integrating your business goals in your website.