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3dom Digital Agency Social Media Marketing Web Designs and IT

When you are redesigning a new website for your business or optimizing your current one, should you put your focus on the physical design of the website or the marketing of the website? Should you prioritize so that marketing comes first to focus on your overall strategy, message, and sales funnel? Should you maybe only focus on the design to produce an awesome website?

To give you my answer – website marketing. The marketing part is what is going to drive your business and generate you an income. The marketing of your website will make sure your website visitors arrive on your website with a specific goal and leave satisfied by either contacting you directly or requesting a quote.

The design of your website does play an important role as it builds trust and credibility, but it should never outweigh your internet marketing strategy.

Here’s a couple of tips starting with an internet marketing strategy.

Website marketing strategy

  • Start the process on deciding what your objectives are. What do you want to achieve with your website? Do you want to generate sales or leads? It should always start with what you want to achieve.
  • Understand who your best visitors are. What are they looking for on your website? All searches starts with a question. Can you answer them?
  • When your visitors arrive on your website, what action do you want them to take? Is it a register for a newsletter action? Maybe to contact you or to request a quote, it’s important that you establish your sales funnel to make it as easy as possible for your visitors to take an action when they arrive.
  • Make your website visible online so that you can reach your target market. Are you going to promote your website with PPC, SEO, social media or use them all together? Build it and they will come doesn’t work. Make a plan to drive visitors to your website.

With website design vs internet marketing strategy, marketing wins. Plan your website correctly. It will pay off.