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Writing useful content for the internet marketing is totally different than content writing for print media. Writing content for your website, blog, or any other article related channels should be brief and to the point with much shorter paragraphs than traditional content writing.

Are you busy with a content marketing strategy for your internet marketing initiative? In my experience, no matter what you see or hear, content is still king for marketing online. Search engines loves unique and relevant content because they want to give the most relevant answer to their users.

Here is a couple of tips that can help you write better content for the web to grab your visitors attention and convince them about your services or products.

Internet marketing content writing

Answers: People are looking for answers to their questions rather than seeking information about your company. Always try to focus on the benefits and answer your visitors questions. Here’s a couple of questions your content should answer:  “What’s in it for me”, “How do I do this”, “What am I doing here”.

Benefits:  Write about the benefits of doing business with you. Benefits are usually what “features” mean. “Features” are what products do.

Attention grabbing: When visitors arrive to your site, grab their attention by giving them information on exactly what they want such as your sales pitch, your order button and even what you offer. Never make them scroll down to make decisions. Your visitors are not passive, they are active. If you don’t give them an answer to their questions within a couple of seconds, they will look elsewhere. First impressions are critical.

To the point: Try to use shorter words, paragraphs and sentences. Use one idea per paragraph and use less words than you would use in traditional article writing.

Easy to view: Your web visitor will most likely scan your article and content to find what they are looking for. Make the main points stand out with lists, headings, indented and bold text, etc.

Good content writing for the web entertains, convinces and educate your audience.  Grab the attention of search engines and users by writing compelling, easy to scan content and you will definitely see a difference in your search engine rankings.