The first step with any Search Engine Optimization (SEO) campaign is selecting the best keywords and phrases you are going to use. You cannot just use any keywords in your campaign, look at high performance ones as well. High performance keywords can attract high amounts of traffic to your website. Sounds easy? These keywords are selected on four factors: relevance, search volume, competition and buyer strength.
To get these keywords you can use many 3rd party applications that will allow you to generated hundreds of phrases along with their search volume and the number of competing pages each keyword has. With this information you can then select your high performance keywords based on the four factors explained above. Find below a couple of tips on why you should also include high performance keywords in your SEO campaign.
High performance keywords
Relevance: You want your website and blog to have the most appeal to your market. Select the keywords and phrases that are highly relevant to your business. If someone typed in your keywords in the search engines, will they want to buy what you are selling? Never start by only selected phrases with the highest search volume.
Search volume: Search phrases with a higher search volume will usually have more potential to create traffic to your website and blog. Never be fooled by picking high volume phrases that are not relevant. Having a few low volume phrases that are highly relevant can create more traffic that is more likely to convert.
Competition: The competition keywords is more than the number of competing pages for a given keyword or keyword phrase. This is the strength of the competitors that have a page one ranking already for the phrase. Look at factors such as the number of backlinks, the number of indexed pages and the domain age.
Buyer strength: These are the keyword phrases that are more specific and show a good intent to take a action. These are usually different than information phrases. Buyer keywords have more words and are more specific. They are also modeled to include local terms such as the city name.