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Beginning a social media strategy

Beginning a social media strategy

Social media is a way of getting others to talk about your services, brand or products.  It’s about finding your customers where they are.  Social media is not simply buying a banner add that runs on a social network.  It uses marketing techniques to generate...

Why you should have a social media campaign

Social media marketing is not a trend anymore, but a reality. Even though it’s still buzzing online, it’s time to move beyond the mere fact of using social media just because your competitors are using this new medium. You should have an optimized strategy...

2013 The year blogging will work for you

Blogging is a great way that you can use within your business to build trust, credibility, and ultimately increase sales and leads for your business. Social media marketing is all the buzz these days online and everywhere online you will find blog posts and articles...

Exciting blogging special

A few more days and it will be Mothers day in 2013. 2012 has been a great year with many ups and downs and changes in the economy. Trust me, I know. It hasn’t been all bells and whistles all the way. With this said, have you decided on any new internet marketing...