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3dom Digital Agency Social Media Marketing Web Designs and IT

Search engine optimization might bring you lots of visitors to your site, but how can you increase your sales on your website? Using social media and e-commerce you can accomplish this. Social media is a powerful medium that many people are using to connect with their friends, family, and business connections.

Using social media together with e-commerce means using social media interaction (engagement) to help your visitors make the final buying decision. This could be in the form of comments, ratings, and reviews regarding a specific service or product.

To be effective with social e-commerce, user comments and ratings should be placed where the user can buy the product or services. Many people are researching the specific product or service before they buy. Look at how Amazon has integrated social media across their whole site. People can recommend, comment, and rate products on Amazon. The whole idea is to make people comfortable with their decision on buying.

Increase your conversions

Using these two combined methods is a great way to increase your conversions. Conversion optimization offers methods for making critical changes and updates to your online web properties to improve the overall bottom line of your campaign to increase conversions. This doesn’t necessarily directly mean sales.  It can be in the form of any action that you want your visitor to take on your website.

Here’s 5 ways you can start implementing social media directly on your e-commerce website. Even though there are many more, these will help you get started.

Product reviews
Feedback forms
Wish lists

Social media can enhance your e-commerce website tremendously. Encourage the participation of your customers by offering them contests, coupons, promotions, and direct user generated content in the form of videos and images. Focus on how you can help your customers by integrated social media in your website.