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Online Credibility

We all know how important “Word of Mouth” marketing is and with the power of the Internet it is even more important.

Web visitors are more inclined to buy your products, services or solutions when they verify your credibility.

Achieving Online Credibility

Online credibility is achieved through highly targeted and relevant content that gives real substance to your word of mouth marketing. You need a sticky site, one that your website visitor can enjoy and get all the information about your product or service.

Online Testimonials

Displaying customer testimonials on relevant web pages can increase your conversion rate as visitors relate to and verify the validity of your claims. We recommend that you use audio, video and written testimonials to increase your online credibility and improve the chance of your visitor becoming your customer.

Use of Social Media

Using social media to distribute your content to channels such as blogs, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook,  Squidoo, Hub Pages, Flickr and many more will initiate the conversation that contributes to your word of mouth marketing

Call us now to develop you a content marketing blueprint that will build your online credibility & increase your sales