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In nearly every instance, the website owner believes that SEO services are not something that they need. These days, SEO and marketing go hand in hand. In fact, if your on page efforts are not well designed and the tags and metas and other items are not in place, in many cases you’re not going to rank as well as you should and your competition has a good edge.

Nearly every site needs SEO. It’s not a question of whether you need it, but what kind you need and how it should be accomplished. On page SEO is an important part of creating a page that is ready to be found by the search engines and by people.

Tagging your posts and creating metas for your pages means that they will be found more easily by the search engines. In addition, the search engines are not the only ones who will find your site more easily and who will benefit from the tags. In fact, the meta tags that you use are often used as descriptions by the search engines when your page is listed. The better your site is and the more well written your descriptions are, the better your site and your company presence will be reflected in search.

Off page SEO today often includes networking with other sites and finding those who will list your website as part of their own outbound links or referrals to other good sites with relevant information. Part of marketing and SEO today is relevant information sharing and working with other site owners to ensure that your site as well as theirs are well reflected in search and that you have the inbound links that you need.

Some of these are things that you can do on your own, but your local SEO specialist has insights into how they should be done as well as what little extras that you can do to be more visible in search. Do you need SEO services? Only if you want to be seen in search–in which case the answer is a resounding Yes.