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Did you know that your website is a business tool and you should treat it with care. It can be used to help you reach your business goals and objectives. It should be developed to create value for your business and shouldn’t just be an online brochure about your services and products. It should be used to generate leads/business for you.

It can be used to reach out to your target market so that they will turn into a lead/customer because they are interested in what you offer. When you use your website as a business tool to generate leads, optimise it so that your visitors can easily ask you for a quote or provide you with their contact details. These are the people that are interested in your offering. This is a powerful internet marketing tactic. Here’s a couple of tips to help you achieve this.

Website business goals

Problem: What problem can you solve that your target audience is experiencing? People go online to find answers and solutions to their problems and queries. Can your website answer them? Showcase on your website that you have the best solution and that you can help your visitors with their needs.

Sales funnel: Make it as easy as possible to contact you, request a quote, or perform another desired action. Make the call to actions stand out and where they can be clearly seen. Position them so that they are always visible when entering your website pages. They should also be compelling so that your visitors would like to follow your sales funnel.

Minimum information: Don’t make it hard for your visitors to contact you or request a quote. Only ask for the minimum amount of information so that they can respond to you. If the process is too long, your visitors will leave.

Trust: People won’t leave their contact details or do business with you if you can’t be trusted. Provide them with all the assurances such as a privacy policy and any other brands or associations you are connected to. Doing business online is all about trust.

Keyword marketing: Research and study the best keyword phrases you are going to use on your website. When a visitor searches for you on Google, they would expect to find their query to be visible on your website. Put yourself in your best customer’s shoes. What will they be searching for to find you?