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The internet is continuing to evolve and expand at a non stopping rate. Brands have had the ability to earn money from sales and branding online with various ecommerce strateggies. This is good as there are many opportunities available online, but it also increases the level of competitiveness as everyone is flocking to get a piece of the online pie. It’s like a gold rush where everyone is scrambling and testing new ideas, but in reality, it’s really not as easy as it sounds.

To succeed in this environment, brands needs to market and optimise their websites so that it can be found on Google organic search. This is especially true for ecommerce websites because build it and they will come is a thing of the past. You can have the best website around, but if no one knows about it, how are they going to find you? How can you get people to visit your ecommerce online store? Find a couple of tips below that will put you in the right direction.

Ecommerce optimisation tips

Social media: This can be a huge driving force. Look at what Amazon did. They enable people to review and comment on all their products. People tend to trust other people’s judgement instead of a brand. Enable this on your ecommerce store.

Integrate the social media profiles on your ecommerce store like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. Make it easy for your visitors to follow and share your content.

Content: Content is king with ecommerce. Create a blogging strategy by using how to tips and information on using your ecommerce store. You can only optimise the content of your products to a certain extent, but the content you write and publish, you have basically unlimited options.

If you are taking your product’s content directly from the manufacturer, rewrite the content so that it’s unique and not duplicate. Search engines will notice if the content has been used before and will not give you the results you are expecting with duplicate content.

SEO: Make a point of optimising your ecommerce store to be 100% SEO friendly. This can be the driving force of your web store. Focus on providing your users with the best experience. When they type in their search phrases on Google and they land on your website, are they going to be convinced that you are the right choice?

Mobile: Always take a mobile first approach. More people are accessing the web via their mobile devices than from traditional desktop browsing. Your online shop should be focused around mobile because people that are searching online from their mobile, usually have a sense of immediacy around them. Make your website mobile friendly by integrating a responsive design so that your website looks good on smartphones, tablets and desktop browsers.