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Google has been quite busy over the last couple of years removing all the low quality content and spam related results from their index. With this said there is no question just to focus on SEO. You have to focus on quality SEO because there is now a very thin line between what is considered “white hat” and “black hat” by the search engine gods.

As Google continues to only focusing on quality content by implementing the Google Panda algorithm update that basically removed low quality content pages from their index, the content marketing game has changed considerably. You should only focus on top original content now.

Many low quality article directories and blogging networks have been de-indexed by Google, and many had to shut their doors. This is a prime example that bad SEO doesn’t pay, and it never will. While it may work for a short while, in the end you will suffer a great loss and lose everything you have spent doing with your website.

So even though these massive updates were done a while ago, what can you do to stay ahead of the game and make sure you don’t get hit by a nasty Google algorithm update? For starters, focus on a good user experience and quality. This is for both links you are building and the content you publish on your website, blog, and social media channels.

If you are interested to get penalized by Google, look at a couple of methods below that will do the trick.

How to get penalized

  • Low quality with poor grammar content and lots of spelling errors
  • Duplicate content – one of the main reasons Google implemented the updates
  • Low quality content that will have a high bounce rate

With any SEO strategy, never try to outsmart the search engines. You will get caught and be sorry.

Your content that you publish on all your digital channels should always be original and valuable. It should inspire your readers to engage with you and share it with their own social circles. Focusing on quality before quantity is now the name of the game in Google’s eyes and will yield much better long term results for your digital profile.