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Online reputation management has recently grown high in popularity and importance. It is not possible to get a good online reputation overnight, it takes time and a combination of various elements. However, it is important that you place time and emphasis on managing your online reputation for the following reasons.

First of all, it determines your online presence. When a person types your brand name in Google, they should get to see your website and some social media profile pages like your Facebook and LinkedIn pages. They should not find unanswered negative comments across various social media platforms.

Learn about competitors stealing material from your site
Answering any negative comments you receive as feedback from your customers is important in online reputation management as it turns a bad situation into something positive.

At times, competitors may steal material from your site and use your matter to create their own online presence. With online reputation management, you can jump on them else you may end up completely unaware of their work and mischief.

Blogs are great tools for online reputation management as blog reviews help drive traffic to your site and build up links to promote your product and business. However, make sure you keep track of all reviews posted about you from high traffic blogs. Finding and confronting any malcontent customer airing his or her opinions is an important part of online reputation management.

Personal attention is better
As managing online reputation is so important, there are many companies that claim to handle this job for you. However for a successful online reputation management campaign, it is better if you handle it personally as any problems faced should be done on a person to person level.

At the most, you can leave the monitoring and setting up of social media networks and brand names that affect online reputation to these third party companies. It is their duty to alert you if things go awry, and for you to confront these comments.