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3dom Digital Agency Social Media Marketing Web Designs and IT

When utilizing social media platforms as part of your online reputation management, it is important that you have an effective understanding of just how influential these platforms are among consumers. A company by the name of Market Force conducted a study that paid close attention to and thoroughly analyzed how social media platforms influenced the actions of the users that actively participated on the platforms. When the study concluded, the following was determined:

  • 80% of all users stated that they are likely to try new things because a friend suggested it on a social media platform.
  • 74% of all individuals that regularly use social media claim that they encourage their friends and loved ones to try out new things.
  • 72% of all users claim that they stay regularly engaged with brands that they prefer.

As you can see, social media marketing is highly influential in the areas of acquiring consumer interest; spreading information about your business and having customers interact with your brand on a regular basis. In order to optimize the ROI that you experience with social media platforms, it is important to ensure that you deliver appeal, provide consumers with a reason to like and share information that you want delivered to other consumers and actively engage with your customers regularly.

Fulfill Consumer Expectations

When working to optimize your ROI with social media, it is important to ensure that you work to continuously fulfill consumer expectations. You may succeed in this area by performing the following steps in your online marketing campaign:

  1. Be certain that you provide opportunities for consumers to get access to exclusive offers and provide them access to exclusive content.
  2. Provide many opportunities for consumers to interact with other customers and share their personal experiences with your brand.
  3. Provide consumers with unique experiences that will retain their interest in your brand. Examples include offering fun and exciting games, offering free products, contests and other types of promotions that are similar in nature.


The goal is social media marketing is to grow a community that is not only active on a regular basis, but highly engaged. It is also important to identify your customers and determine their expectations. In doing so, you will find that your online reputation management endeavors are not only productive, but are also profitable. Once you have found that the customers that interact with your brand on social media platforms is activated in such a way that they trust and depend on your for your products and/or services, you may offer initiatives that will help you accumulate profits. Learning how to generate a good ROI with a social media marketing campaign may be a bit challenging and time consuming, but once you are comfortable with the steps contained within this guide, you will find that it is a productive and profitable means of optimizing your online reputation management.