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Did you know that your website is a business tool? It can be used to help you reach your business goals and objectives. Are you using your website  to generate leads? If you are not, it’s time to rethink your internet marketing strategy and make sure your website works for you, not the other way around.

Making sure your website is a lead generating powerhouse, you have to understand it’s not about building an email list that you should further market to to convert. Lead generating is about getting your target audience to ask you directly for more information regarding your services and products. It should always be about making a sale and be focused. Find a couple of tips below to help you to generate leads with your website.

Website lead generating tips

Attention grabbing: The call to actions on your website should always be attention grabbing and be visible when your visitors arrives on your website. Don’t make your visitors think or scroll down to find more information. Make the call to actions stand out prominently over all the other elements of your website.

Be concise: Never make your visitors think on what they should do next. Be to the point and clear about your offering and how it will help them. Put yourself in your target audience’s shoes. What information will convince you to make the final decision?

Incentives: Using incentives to build up your email database is great, but don’t overdo it with lead generation. You don’t want people that you still have to convince that your services and products are the best. If you want people to contact you directly, make the call to action on your website a free quotation form or a click to call button for mobile users. Make it as easy as possible to complete the desired action.

Privacy: Anytime you request someones contact details, explain that you are not going to use their contact details for anything other than communication from you. Link to your privacy document that they can read.

Contact information: Ask for minimum information and don’t overdo all the information they have to input to contact you.

Follow up: Any lead generated from your website should be followed up as soon as possible. It’s not going to help if you only contact the person 3-4 days after they have contacted you. Make a point of getting in touch with them as soon as possible.