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When visitors arrive on your website and blog for the first time, they will decide within a couple of seconds if your website can be trusted or not. If they decide that your website doesn’t look credible and trustworthy, they will leave to the next result and you could lose a potential website conversion. If they decide to stay, you should have all the processes (sales funnels) in place to guide your visitors on what they should do.

Online marketing has changed tremendously over the last couple of years. In today’s tough economic climate, it’s important that you should be smart with your marketing strategy and having a professional website can help you achieve your business goals. More people are starting to use the web to socialize with friends and to conduct business. This provides a massive opportunity for businesses that were used to market their services and products via traditional marketing methods. The only challenge is to stand out from the crowd, especially in a competitive market. This is why it’s important to focus on website conversions.

It’s important that you plan your website so that it’s focused around your target audience and encourages them to make a decision. Once you receive a visitor on your website, how can you showcase that you are the one to do business with? Find a couple of tips below that can help you with this to make sure your website conversions are aligned to your business goals.

Website conversions tips

What is the purpose of your website? Showcase what your business is about. Identify clear goals and objectives on what you want to achieve with your website.

Who’s your target audience: Research what their interests are so that you can provide them with the best solutions on your website. What do they like? What questions do they have? If you can answer them once they arrive on your website, they will stay.

Business message: On every page of your website, make sure that your business message answer the needs and questions of your target audience. It should grab their attention and guide them on what solutions you provide.

Sales funnel: Once you have your website visitor interested in your offering, have a sales funnel and process in place to guide them on how to do business with you. You can direct them to a landing page where they can register for a newsletter, provide leads, or even your contact page with your address details.

The tips above are aimed so that you can convert your visitors as quickly as possible. Focus on website conversions so that you can help you achieve your business goals.