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Social media marketing is a critical component of success when operating a business. Regardless of whether the business is online or offline, social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest have the ability to enhance the success that you achieve. In addition to this, internet marketing campaigns conducted on websites such as YouTube, SEO Book and various types of article directories may also enhance the overall level of success that a business experiences.

When it comes to the World Wide Web, social media and internet marketing are absolutely essential in the business world. Best of all, they go hand in hand. In this business strategy guide, you will learn the steps to creating a successful social media campaign. A social media campaign not only allows you to attract attention and traffic to your business, it could assist in acquiring new customers and renewing interest among previous and/or current customers.

Basic Statistics

Before delving into the basics of creating a social media campaign, it is critical to review some basic statistics associated with social media so that you acquire a general appreciation of the opportunities that may stem from internet marketing on platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. According to a recent study, 83% of all individuals in marketing claim that social media is one of the most important tools when it comes to business success. There are at least three benefits associated with the use of social media, according to reports. Approximately 85% of internet marketers state that the top benefit is exposure for their business. Increased traffic was reported by 69% of marketers as the next benefit and 65% of marketers report that they benefit from social media campaigns because they provide them with insight into the marketplace associated with their niche. The top five websites utilized most by businesses are the following:

  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. LinkedIn
  4. Blogs
  5. YouTube