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Many businesses makes the mistake of choosing an internet marketing agency before doing any research on what they want, and if the agency has the experience to provide results. Usually, these are agencies with low prices and always promise over the top results.

The only good thing of these agencies are that you can learn from them on what not to choose for your search engine optimization campaign. If you don’t do your research before you choose an internet marketing agency, it could cost you and your business dearly. Find below a couple of tips you can use when choosing the right internet marketing agency for your online marketing initiative.

Never choose the cheapest agency

This is most likely the most common mistake that happens when choosing an agency. Most businesses are struggling with the state of the current economy and when someone promises you huge results online for a very low cost, it can be hard to resist the offer. A successful internet marketing campaign takes time, effort and talent, and this is not free. Any internet marketing agency that bases their sales pitch around how they cheap they are should be avoided at all costs.

Choosing an agency that promotes 1st place rankings

This can never be promised. Any internet marketing agency that does this is most likely doing one of two things: Choosing keywords for your campaign that are un competitive and no one will ever click or they are using black hat SEO strategies. Black hat SEO includes placing hidden keywords on your website or building links that will only offer your website short term value. The danger with Black Hat SEO is that if Google catches onto what you are doing, you can say goodbye to all your rankings on Google.

Agencies that promises lots of links

If an agency promises you lots and lots of links, they are most likely coming from dreaded link farms.  These are websites and directories that are built purely for the purpose of link building. These websites provides no real value, and are usually non relevant at all. Link building is still a crucial part of SEO, but remember the golden rule: Always go for relevance and quality over quantity.

Giving unrealistic expectations

Many businesses expects their internet marketing agency to achieve way to much in a short time. Proper content marketing, social media, and link building takes time and effort.  There’s no magic way around this. If your agency is promising you over the top results in a short time, get another agency.

To get the best results with your internet marketing and SEO strategy takes time. It could take a couple of months, or even longer to get the best results. Once you have achieved the rankings you are after, you will have to continue investing in your campaign to keep those rankings. Never expect to much in a short while. If you pick the right internet marketing agency, put your trust in them. They know what they are doing and how they are going to achieve it.