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As the title says – “Blogging is awesome!”. It’s a great SEO (search engine optimization) strategy where you can publish blog posts that target the search engines and your target audience directly. When publishing a blog post, you can target specific pages on your website to link to that could increase the interlinking between your blog and your website. This can increase your organic search engine rankings on the SERP’s.

When linking to a relevant page on your website, it’s imperative that you use specific keywords and phrases. Blogging should always revolve around specific keywords and when you link, it should use keywords in the anchor text of the link to keep it relevant.

This might sound awesome, and it is, but what should you look out for that could do you more harm than good?

Blogging SEO mistakes

Not focused: All your blog posts should always be focused and relevant to what you do and what you stand for. It’s important that you use a single topic in your posts. This will maintain relevance and also attract visitors who are interested in what you do.

Use one main keyword phrase: With your blog writing, use one primary keyword phrase that you can target and that your topic will be based upon. One very big mistake with SEO blogging is not using a main keyword phrase to target.

Not using keywords in the title: The target keyword phrase you are targeting should be used in the blog post title. For the best, begin the title of the post with the keyword phrase. Google seems to give high importance to the words in the beginning of a title.

Not using keywords in the content: Use the main keyword phrase in the content of your post. To not make it look spammy, keep to the general rule of thumb by not using it more than once every 100 words.

Not using keywords in anchor link text: When linking to a relevant page on your website, make a point of including relevant keywords you want to target for the page in the anchor text of a link.

Writing only for the search engines: It’s a fact that original and interesting content will improve your SEO. Focus firstly on your visitors and target audience and secondly on the search engines. The saying “others have to like you first before Google will like you” is so true with blogging.