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Blog marketing is an easy digital marketing method of writing your blog posts so that both the blog post that you publish and the relevant website page it is linking to will get good rankings for specific keywords and phrases on the search engines. This blog writing style is keyword focused and it requires that you link your keywords and use these in the anchor text of your links to link to the most relevant page on your website or content that you want to promote.

Even though this sounds easy, many bloggers are making mistakes with writing SEO optimized blog posts. Find below a couple of blogging mistakes that you should try to avoid when you write your blog posts.

Blogging mistakes

Your blog posts should always be focused: Make sure that the blog posts that you write are focused around one main topic. This will help establish relevance to your blog and also attract interested readers. A blog focused on wedding dresses will attract traffic and a readership. A blog that focuses on wedding dresses, bachelor parties, and garden tools is unfocused and will not get any good rankings.

Don’t focus on hundreds of keywords: Select one primary keyword phrase in your blog posts that you will center your blog post around. A common mistake is to not focus on any keyword or focusing on many at the same time. Keep your blog posts to the point.

Not using keywords in your titles: Use your targeted keywords and phrases in the blog post title. For the best results, begin the blog post with these keywords. The search engines are giving very high priority to the keywords you use in your titles. When you write your blog post title, remember that you are writing your post for humans.

Excluding keywords in your body text: Use the keywords you are targeting a couple of times in the content of the blog post and also in the first paragraph of your post. As a guide, try to use your keyword once every 100 words in your content.

Not using keywords in your links: Use your targeted keywords in the anchor text of your links that points to the most relevant page on your website.

Overusing your own content: Each blog post that you publish should be original and unique. Avoid reusing the same content over and over on your blog.

Boring content: Original and interesting content can attract links from interested readers and bloggers that will make your blog post more powerful.

Blog marketing can be a very powerful digital marketing method you can use for building brand awareness, search engine optimization, social media marketing, and to build credibility.