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It’s important that you ask your customers to provide you with testimonials that you can publish on your website, blog, and online profiles. These testimonials acts as social validation that your company provides a good level of service. Placing customer testimonials on your website also ads credibility to your services and products as your visitors can directly see what others experienced with your service.

When you use testimonials on your website it acts as a clear signal to your visitors that you are interested in keeping your customers happy and you will always work to help them. The problem is with many websites is that it takes time and effort to gather these testimonials, but in my opinion, it’s so worth it.

Here’s a couple of tips to help you get customer testimonials on your website.

Customer testimonials

Ask for a testimonial: Encourage testimonials on your website by asking for it directly on your website or with an email. When asking for one, follow up with a couple of days and don’t wait to long for sending out the request.

Don’t overcomplicate it: The more complicate you make it to leave a testimonial for your business, the more people will be put off of it. Provide an easy way to do this by implementing a star rating system or a simple comment box where visitors can leave comments.

Don’t overdo it: Trust me, it’s not a good choice to give away incentives when people are leaving testimonials. Keep it real and to the point. Your best customers will usually leave a testimonial for free if they experienced an outstanding service from you.

Video testimonials: Words are powerful, but videos are even better. Everything has gone digital and it’s easy to take a quick video from your smartphone on your user experience with a particular company or brand. Encourage video testimonials that you can upload to video and share on your website, blog, and other social media profiles.